Villager Companion

  • Version 1.1.1, 1.0.9, 1.0.8, 1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.0, 0.17.0, 0.16.1, 0.16.0
  • Download 11768
  • File Size 223.15KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date August 21, 2020
  • Last Updated August 21, 2020

Villager Companion

In the new world, there are 4 types of companions, and every type you can tame, as well as take advantage of the features that they provide.
The librarian and the priest (white and pink color): Unbreakable, exchange your experience of the iron bars on the bottle, watching you, can carry predmty player is not able to fight; Blacksmith (black apron): 50hp, helps the player in combat, attack with the force of a diamond sword, can carry items the player is watching you; Butcher (white apron): exchange your diamonds: the golden apples, entered the convent, bones, fish, emeralds (between transactions should expect a few seconds!), Can carry items the player is not able to fight, a standard amount of health; Farmer (brown shirt): Can carry items the player is attacking other mobs damage has 4 units (very low).

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