Here is a huge map dedicated to the real stadium Gillette, map long and hard to do to admire its size and uniqueness!
Lucky Islands
This is a map of PvP, in which You can play with the number of players from 2 to 8 people.You will appear on one of the Islands, and then you have to look for items to survive as long as possible and fight on a par with other players.Very interesting elements on this map… Read more »
Multiplayer map Mocha PVP includes several different game modes.Among the modes there are such as duel, sumo and FIFA (Free for all). Select the desired set and enter the arena for the battle. All functionality of the card can be controlled directly during the game.
Find The Button:YouTubers
The map contains 10 interesting levels, each based on some well-known in the Youtube community.For example, on levels you can see logos, signs or symbols that are associated with different youtubers.Find the button that is hidden somewhere in each level and get access to the next levels. If something is too difficult for you, you… Read more »
Star Trek
This huge map contains many ships from the Star Trek universe.For example, you can use the map to explore and admire different and amazing ships, or you can use it for PvP or hide and seek in the world.
Monsters Parkour
This is a fun and quite challenging map for parkour which includes 10 different levels related to mobs. You also need to jump from one platform to another, while avoiding falling into a swarm of mobs.Some of the more difficult levels have shalker boxes that contain the weapons you need for your own protection.
This map is with a special landscape that was built to be used as a survival world.You will appear on an island of medium size, and around the main island will be located a few more Islands.There are no set goals or quests, so you will need to create them for yourself.
TRG Village
This map is in the style of the middle ages and it includes a realistic medieval city with a large castle in the center of the city and many other attractive structures such as shops and some hidden objects to be found.
One Night At Frankies
There are two separate teams (animatronic vs. night watch) whose main goals are either to kill another player or to run away from him.
Wambos Room
You are presented with a map in which there is a room of real size, which is based on its own room Wambo. The game does not have any tips or anything else, but you are likely to be able to find out and explore everything.