Hell Difficulty

Increases the damage of all mobs, adds the number of life points, and in some mobs in addition increases the speed of attack, movement, flight and adds the ability to weapons.

Blaze Boss

Turns the efreet into a terribly dangerous boss. He, without a doubt, has the ability to kill most of the MKPE mobs and players, if they are not well equipped to fight it. The method of combat is very similar to the usual eft, but the main difference is that it is much stronger and… Read more »

Smaller Spiders

Mod will reduce the size of all spiders in the world to a more realistic size. It will now be more difficult to kill them, as the area of impact on them also decreased significantly.

3 Headed Ghast Boss

The three-headed gastritis is larger than the usual gastas and has three different faces.

Giant Snow Gorilla

This, without a doubt, is one of the fastest monsters, so it will be an ideal mob for those who want to move very quickly in the MCPE.

The Vampires

Includes in the world several new mobs and objects. Mobs are the three new vampires who are very dangerous creatures in the MCPA. Each of them will be hostile to any friendly beings he will encounter. But, of course, they have a certain weakness and this is daylight.

A Proper Apocalypse

Love new challenges and challenges? Great, because the mod is good for old players who need a new and more sophisticated game experience. A lot of zombies will now appear in the world of MCPE in the daytime and from time to time in the Standard World will appear pigs.


Adds a few new items that you will need to turn into a human ant. Miniature converter – Bow. Giant transducer – Totem of immortality.


Endergerg is a new boss that you can spawn just like you create an iron golem. He is very strong and has several different styles of attack, which he uses to defeat his enemies.


Snow Golem has turned into a very dangerous snowman called Snoogrant after applying fashion! He is considered a boss because of his enormous powers, which consist in his wide variety of attack styles, as well as in increased health.