
Endergerg is a new boss that you can spawn just like you create an iron golem. He is very strong and has several different styles of attack, which he uses to defeat his enemies.


Snow Golem has turned into a very dangerous snowman called Snoogrant after applying fashion! He is considered a boss because of his enormous powers, which consist in his wide variety of attack styles, as well as in increased health.


Meet a lot of new mobs! Harmless and also very scary!

Mutant Zombie

Extended version of the usual zombies with a skin pack. The mutant body from YouTube is much larger and this for the better changes its ability to fight, and also it runs faster than normal. Health 75 hearts.

Giant Snow Gorilla

How does it work? Snow gorillas spawn in villages (since they replace iron golems) but they can also be spawned by building an iron structure with four iron blocks and one pumpkin.


Taming & Growth Stages To tame a t-rex you will need to find a juvenile. As they replace witches they can be found spawning in swamps. If you find one with its parent then prepare yourself to kill the big one first. It takes a lot of time for a baby t-rex to grow into… Read more »

Raptor Blue

How does it work? To tame a raptor you will first need to find one. But itâu20ac™s fairly easy since they replace pigs and this means that they will spawn in most biomes. The raptor cannot be tamed if it is full grown. It will only work if itâu20ac™s anywhere between the growth stage of… Read more »


Ludodactylus – This modification adds to the world of Minecraft Pocket Edition prehistoric bird that existed in the days of the dinosaurs! Bat.

Milkable Squids

Did you know that it was once possible to milk squids? I for sure didnâu20ac™t know that until now.

Animal Trade

How does it work? You can trade with any of the following animals and it works much similar to trading with villagers.