
How does it work? Llamas are a neutral mob which replace pigs in Minecraft. A llama has 11 health points (which is one more point than a pig) and drops 0-2 leathers when killed. They are hostile to wolves and creepers who they will spit at if they see them. A llama will never tolerate… Read more »

Smaller Spiders

Mod will reduce the size of all spiders in the world to a more realistic size. It will now be more difficult to kill them, as the area of impact on them also decreased significantly

Giant Snow Gorilla

This, without a doubt, is one of the fastest monsters, so it will be an ideal mob for those who want to move very quickly in the MCPE.

Amazing Mobs New

Will replace in your favorite game as many as 8 mobs, and many of them will look like amazing mythological creatures!

Armored Wolf

To improve the wolves, giving them the opportunity to wear armor, armor protects them much better and it’s easy to see by the factor that they have got more health.


In the wild, snakes are quite dangerous creatures with malicious intentions. In case you manage to tame one of them in the world of MCPE, then their huge power will actually be in your favor. And then they will become your true friend, who has all the possibilities to keep you safe in most environments.


Completely changes the physical characteristics of the set of existing mobs. Giant chickens, pigs-giants probably only dreamed about you. Once you install the mod – animals and mobs will be turned into huge giants. On some mobs you can even ride the top, for example on horseback.

Pig Bot

Have you ever wanted to imagine a really strong defender? We present you the «Pig Bot» events, thanks to which you can make your own pig-cyborg in Minecraft Pocket Edition.

Tameable Polar Bears

To tame a polar bear in the MCPE you will need raw fish. This only works with raw fish. Continue to feed him with a fish, until you see a few hearts, and then you will find out that he was tamed.

Smaller Spiders

Mod will reduce the size of all spiders in the world to a more realistic size. It will now be more difficult to kill them, as the area of impact on them also decreased significantly.