This is an ancient creature that adds the mod most dangerous at night and has three types of attacks that he will use to hit his enemies in the MCPA. You really do not even want to face these creatures unless you are equipped with a diamond sword and, most likely, a full set of… Read more »
Snow Golem has turned into a very dangerous snowman called Snoogrant after applying fashion! He is considered a boss because of his enormous powers, which consist in his wide variety of attack styles, as well as in increased health.
Magic Spy Glass
In the game there will be a new item that can be used for a simpler search of underground structures. You can get the item of the magic glass tracking by using fishing. It is also possible to find them in chests from fortresses.
All Quiet Entities
This addon is extremely useful if you ever need to get some good screenshots for mobs in-game. Mobs arenâu20ac™t known for being supermodels. They rarely stay put on one position and this makes it sometimes very difficult to get good screenshots. If youâu20ac™ve ever experienced a similar problem then this behavior pack will most likely… Read more »
Ender Sickness
How does it work? Look up into the night sky. Do you see something different? The moon looks infected. What could that be?
Milkable Squids
Did you know that it was once possible to milk squids? I for sure didnâu20ac™t know that until now.
Animal Trade
How does it work? You can trade with any of the following animals and it works much similar to trading with villagers.
Spider Queen Boss
Mod Spider Queen Boss adds to the world of Minecraft Pocket Edition Queen spiders, which is a very strong boss against which you will need from time to time to fight!
Mega Mech
Maud Mega Mech dobavyalet the world of Minecraft Pocket Edition huge killer robot that will fight against the hostile mobs. Iron Golem.
Killer Bunny
Mod Killer Bunny adds to the world Minecraft Pocket Edition rabbits murderers as the PC version of Minecraft. Now survival Minecraft PE is much more dangerous than ever! Rabbit.