Addon by Gona. The Witherbuster Combat is a mech suit which has been engineered to defeat the Wither Boss. A player can ride the mech suit and use it to take advantage of several different attack abilities which can be used to take down the enemy. You don’t necessarily have to fight bosses to use… Read more »
This is an add-on which replaces the spiders with scorpions. Scorpions are vicious creatures which show a special taste for humans and a few other animals. However, they are not all bad. For instant, if you find a young scorpion then you can tame it and keep it as your pet. And when it gets… Read more »
Robot Horse
This add-on implements a four-legged mechanical horse to the game. It’s much more powerful than an ordinary horse since it got the abilities to run faster, withstand more damage and jump higher. The robot revolution is finally here and the first to be replaced is a horse. Who would have known.
Mine Pogo
You have nothing to do and you are looking for, how to have fun? Do you want something new that you have not seen yet? Then we are happy to introduce you to Mine-Pogo, which will provide you with transportation, which makes you jump uncontrollably, like you are a grasshopper. This is not the most… Read more »
Mutant Creatures
The Mutant Creatures Add-on turns 18 of the mobs in Minecraft PE into mutants with incredible powers.
I think most players are already tired of riding an old-fashioned horse that does not look too modern? That’s why today we present to you Ferrari, after installation of which you will have the opportunity to get your own Italian Ferrari. It is much faster than any horse, and therefore there is no doubt as… Read more »
Have you ever been to water attractions? In Tokyo, in Japan there is a theme park, where you can meet the attraction that rolls you along the water, known as Aquatopia. And today we offer you a ride on this device, using for this Aquatopia, which will provide you with that very vehicle. The only… Read more »
Toy Soldier
Then for you we found an excellent Toy Soldier, which will give you the opportunity to create two opposing armies of small soldiers, and also to assign them all different classes for battles. All this makes the game a real strategy, because you can force soldiers to act differently, depending on their class. This is… Read more »
Finally, you will have modern weapons. He will simply take and replace the ten unnecessary items with steep weapons.
Odd Mobs
Changes the abilities of some hostile mobs, making them more interesting mobs.