In the world there will be new zombies, danger in minecraft will be more diverse.
There will be 4 types of snake, they appear in different biomes, they are not zamenty and dangerous!
Kind Superflat
You will see a super flat world! Rather, try this addon!
Changes biomes, and villages, also change mountains in biomes. Consider carefully!
The Griefer King
Creates king griffers to create it – put a gravestone slab – 1 layer of cobblestone – layer 2, 3, 4 stone brick – layer 5 obsidian.
The beast of the seas can be saddled. Frost wolf – use blue ice to ride them. The merchant of the lower world, he turns into it only in the lower world. If an itinerant merchant gets to the beach, then he will turn into a Midnight seaman. Corpse – can come to life when… Read more »
Items Rarity
All your items, tools and blocks will be highlighted in priority color!
Healer Turret
This gun will heal everyone, keep her from monsters!
Magnificent Biomes
Turn on the experimental mode! New biomes of the black islands of lava, savanna, dead islands, and other interesting biomes.
Rotten Flesh For Leather Furnance
Now make zombies out of rot – skin! It is so cool and practical!