Introducing this seed, you will not be reborn on the big tree, and if you look around with it, you will see three different biome, which cross each other.Next in the winter biome, you will find plenty of mines which will have useful resources for the first night and for the continued survival in a… Read more »
Seeds of the village
Seed generate excellent terrain for survival. You spawn in savannah biome called, turning back, you will see the village with a smithy, where you can find resources for survival.
Seed the hut witches
This LED helps you to immediately find the house of a witch, which is very pleasant to all fans of adventure.
Seed for excellent survival
Hello everybody! Today I’ll show you the good seed for survival. In front of you will spawn beautiful ocean, a little sand, and on the other hand will be a huge forest with mountains, and even a small waterfall. Seed is suitable for those who like to build houses in the survival of a good,… Read more »
Seed with an underwater temple
Seed Number: -1436927780
Seed with sand temple
This LED provides you with a hidden treasury. You spawn in the savanna biome. To find this treasure house, you have to turn right and fly straight, and you will see there are two covered with towers.Seed Number: -1019305814
Seed with mushroom biome
You will become next to a small river, sailing ahead you will find the rare biome.
Village with Zombies Seed
A lot of rumors that this village of mahogany villagers for unknown reasons turned into a zombie. Some survivors report that before infection, near the village moved the traveler with glowing eyes, the same as Herobrine.
Spawn in a Mineshaft Seed
This seed generates the entrance to the mine near the spawn. Seed Number: -1558246512
Seed with sand temples and the countryside
In this generation of the world you will find two sandy temple and village in the savannah.