Mountain flying island

Do you like mountains? And the flying islands? As soon as you appear in the world, you will immediately notice these beautiful mountains. Next to them there is a village, and around the savannah. It seems to me that the house in the mountain here will look very cool!Seed Number: TYUWER    

Epic Mountain with a Waterfall

Before you will be a massive extreme mountain. At the top of the trees grow, and down streams falls, which can not be admired. There is also a bridge that connects two parts of the mountain. Nearby there is a river.Seed Number: GoGetter   

Steep mountains, swamp and dungeon

You will appear next to an incredible beautiful mountain! Nearby, there is also a swamp and a forest. The mountain is permeated with caves, so it is desirable to light them immediately.Seed Number: Elev   

A village, a treasure and a fortress.

The fortress in the Edge is right under the village. You appear on the plain beside the mesa, from the spawn you can immediately see the village.Seed Number: owxapple