- Version 1.1.1, 1.0.9, 1.0.8, 1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.0, 0.17.0
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- File Size 1.71MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date August 21, 2020
- Last Updated August 21, 2020
How to drive a spaceship? The blaze is replaced by a spaceship. You can either go to the Nether to find a spaceship or just spawn one by using a blaze spawn egg. The iron armor is replaced by a space suit.
It doesnâu20ac™t give you any extra abilities but it looks suitable for space travel. You canâu20ac™t go the moon just yet but rumors say that eventually you will be able to go to space since there will likely be a map created for it in the future. For now though, I recommend using it with the Moonscape map. Throw some eggs at it to launch the spaceship. It will stay in air for about 1 minute before it needs some more rocket fuel (eggs). Hold a key (carrot on a stick) to control the direction of the vehicle.